On-Campus Facilities

    On-Campus: The Kompleks Prima Siswa has a lounge and a hangout area for students. It is equipped with a 60-inch screen television, book racks, bulletin boards, a pool table, foosball, indoor board games, musolla, and student activity rooms.


    NR Lounge (Kompleks Prima Siswa)

    Located on the second floor, this lounge is a great place to hang out while on campus. It includes a large lounge area, day lockers, information racks, bulletin board, indoor games and many more. NR students can have refreshments, study groups and discussion. Some basic facilities are also provided such as sofa set, bar tables, carrel study tables and discussion area. It is operated from 10.30 am in the morning till 11.00 pm at night (it is closed during semester break).


    Seminar Room/ Student Activity Room

    Located on the first floor, this space is suitable for seminars, meetings, gathering and discussion with your friends. Please enquire with our staff at UPNR office to book this room. These seminar rooms can cater a maximum of 50 students (classroom style).


    Indoor Games

    Some of the indoor games are provided to all NR students such as pool table, foosball, darts, carrom table and some board games. Come and play together with your friends for free.



    Musolla (air-conditioned) is provided for student prayers during class gaps. Male Musolla is located on the first floor and female Musolla is located on the second floor.


    Internet Access

    There are several in-office computers with Internet access for the purpose of study and discussions. Students are welcome to use the computers. Students with laptops who wish to connect via LAN to the UiTM system may do so at any one of several ports in the lounge. We also provide Wireless Connection (WiFi) at this complex.

    Contact Us


    Sample image 

    Unit Pengurusan Non Resident

    Jabatan Hal Ehwal Pelajar,

    Aras 1, Kompleks Prima Siswa, 

    Universiti Teknologi MARA 

    40450 Shah Alam

    Tel: 03-5544 3965 / 3967 / 3968 /  2189 / 3537

    Email : upnruitmsa@uitm.edu.my

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    2025-03-12 12:42
    Copyright © 2020 Unit Pengurusan Non Resident, BHEP, UiTM